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Older Toddler


The Older Toddler Program is designed to meet the needs of young two year olds. It provides a safe and enriching environment where toddlers can increase their independent thinking, create and explore. There is a set schedule for the day with times for stories, snacks, play and naps. Teachers plan the Curriculum on a weekly basis around a theme such as primary colors, nursery rhymes, pets, farm animals and seasonal activities. When they are developmentally ready, toddlers go through potty training


Here are examples of what could potentially be in included in the learning environment:

Sensory -  water and sand play, materials to shake and pour.

Art - toddler-sized crayons and markers, painting with brushes, cutting with scissors

Large Motor - balancing on a bike, pushing carts, running

Small Motor - toys, 3-4 piece puzzles, looping beads together

Language - books, learning posters

Science - rocks and other nature things to touch and hold.

Cooking - preparing a snack or lunch

Dramatic Play - dress-up clothes, hats and purses to try, mirrors to look in, dishes and dolls for family play.

Self-Help Skills - pushing in the chair after use, washing hands and faces, using kind voices and gentle touches.

Music - Sing-along-songs, scarf dancing, musical instruments 


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