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Young Toddler


The Young Toddler Program builds upon the developmental skills mastered in the infant program. The classroom is designed from a toddler’s point of view. Teachers plan curriculum on a weekly basis around a theme such as primary colors, nursery rhymes, pets, farm animals and seasonal activities.


​Here are examples of what could potentially be in included in the learning environment:
Sensory:   Water play, shaving cream, scooping and pouring 
Art:   Painting with sponges, feathers, fingers and cookie cutters.
Large Motor: Balls, ride on toys, carts to push
Fine Motor: Object to put together or pull-apart, large pegs in a board, one and two piece puzzles
Language: Books, flannel board stories and talkative Teachers
Science: Walking around the yard to look at leaves, seeing animals, collecting Pine cones
Cooking: Preparing a snack or lunch
Dramatic Play: Dress-up clothes, hats and purses to try, mirrors to look in
Self-Help Skills: Learning to take off shoes and socks, pushing in the chair after use and washing hands and faces. 


Toddler with Wooden Toys
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